The Mark Province of Cheshire held their Annual General Meeting on Saturday 16th of March, within a reversal of approach (brought on by reasons out of their control) a Morning Brunch meeting held at the Whitby Club, prior to the AGM itself at Ellesmere Port Civic Centre, just a few minutes “down the road”, instead of the more normal “meeting then Lunch” approach.
Although this was a one off, it was very successful, and those who dined were treated to an excellent breakfast, in which the Local Widows Sons chapter presented a generous Cheque of £500, and the Local Cheshire Freemasons Luncheon club also donated £250 towards the 2024 Cheshire Festival.

Despite our PGM not liking surprises, the DPGM and APGM risked being reappointed by celebrating his 70th Birthday (which occurred the day beforehand) and having a cake presented by Sue Horstman and Diane Miller, who assisted on the day with the selling of raffle tickets etc, to Mark him becoming a septuagenarian.
We then proceeded to the Ellesmere Port Civic Centre for the main meeting, which included an “in regalia” procession by our Companion Orders, a separate procession of all our Distinguished Guests, and of course the ever colourful RAM delegation, all present in time for the 1 pm meeting.
When Introducing the many distinguished guests, our PGM was very pleased to be presented with a further donation of £7,000.00 to our 2024 Festival from the PGM RWBro Keith Beardmore from our neighbouring province of West Lancashire, which was very gratefully received.
During the meeting, the Festival Chairman Steve Simpson was pleased to present several honorific collarettes to various brethren, and, whilst the Lodge was called off for a short while, to present three of our Cheshire Ladies with their Grand Patron Gold broaches, in recognition of their contributions made.
Whilst appointing and promoting provincial officers, our PGM also included three non-collared appointments of Stone Bearer to Bros, Simon Wall, Simon Porter, and Graham Knowles in recognition of their work in support of the order.

Just before closing the Lodge, he conducted the draw for the signed bottles of single malt, the one signed by the Grand Master being won by RWBro J Trevor Bolton (PGM of West Yorkshire), and the second (signed by the High Rulers) by our own Past APGM WBro Bob McMillan.
The meeting was a great success and concluded at 3 pm – albeit next year we will return to the more normal format of holding the Dinner after the meeting.