On 18th May 2022 The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Gary Raymond Horstman Appointed and Invested, Worshipful Brother Barry Worthing Travers as Provincial Grand Registrar.
Category Archives: Archive
Cheshire Mark Degree and Cheshire and North Wales Allied Degree Worked Together
As the Cheshire Mark Degree enters the last two years of its 2024 Festival the Allied Degree stepped up to support us by presenting us with a cheque for £750.00, the leader in Cheshire and North Wales, Peter Talbot support by his Deputy David Wright presented the cheque at a meeting of Joppa RAM.
Gary Horstman the head of Mark Masons in Cheshire accepted the cheque with grateful thanks for the support shown between the two Degree’s, also present was Austin Bamber, the Deputy in the RAM degree.
Brethren this shows how close all the degrees have worked together, not only to ensure that our Festival will be a success but also to ensure the future of our orders, by working together we can share good ideas and assist each other as we all recover from Covid 19.
PGM promoted to Grand Senior Warden for a Day
Our PGM was promoted yesterday to Grand Senior Warden on his trip to the IOM to Install a new PGM for the Mark Province of the IOM, having completed the installation ceremony our PGM had to return the GSW chain of office back to the Acting Grand Secretary to take back to London, his promotion only lasting for one day.
Team Visit to Fidelity Mark Lodge Number 31
Team visit to Fidelity Mark Lodge Number 31
The RW PGM Gary Horstman accompanied by a team of acting Provincial officers, were pleased to attend the Lodge of Fidelity in Clifton Road, Birkenhead, for its proclamation.
The lodge, which of course is one of the oldest in the constitution, was boosted by three joining members, and a candidate for Advancement being proposed on the night and looks forward to celebrating its 150th Anniversary in the near future.
East to West Kayak & Canoe Challenge 9, 10, 11, & 12 June 2022 in aid of the Mark 2024 Festival.
East to West Kayak & Canoe Challenge 9, 10, 11, & 12 June 2022 in aid of the Mark 2024 Festival.
Starting on the 9 June 2022 and running for four days this event will bring together members of the Mark & Ram to help raise money for the 2024 Mark Festival and with members working together to support the Province of Cheshire in their aim to raise as much money as possible by sponsoring those taking part in the event.
Members can choose to participate on any of the four days and will be expected to row in one-hour shifts, full details will be released soon.
Ambulance and Medical Equipment for Ukraine
so the journey begins, Mike Ross and Paul Stevenson set off today on their epic journey to deliver a fully kitted out ambulance to the Ukraine health service to assist in looking after the sick and injured.
The idea of Mike Ross was supported by Grand Mark with a donation made to Cheshire Mark of £10,000.00 from the Mark Benevolent Fund to purchase the ambulance and all the medical equipment needed to make the ambulance operational.
Mike and Steve set of this morning on the train from Liverpool, collecting the ambulance from the South coast, then by boat to Holland and then driving across Europe to arrive in the Ukraine a drive of over 1000 miles.