On Saturday the 29th June- Rivacre Lodge of Mark Master Masons, working in conjunction with the Mark Province of Cheshire, held an additional meeting for the purpose of advancing four new members, which was followed by an additional meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge.
The meeting was held at Wallasey Masonic Hall- which had the space and availability, as opposed to Rivacre’s normal meeting place at Whitby, near Ellesmere Port.
As the meeting was held “out of season” and on a Saturday, a number of members couldn’t attend, so some of the officers comprised of the Cheshire Cats support team, who all played their part in Advancing Tony Kellett, Richard Kellett, Geoff Balshaw and Derek Harvey into the friendly degree, in a well-conducted ceremony that was witnessed by some 58 brethren.
Following a splendid light lunch, a special meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge was held, for the purpose of presenting further collarettes and honorifics, which with the 2024 MBF festival now coming to a conclusion, there has been a great increase in the numbers now qualifying for the various awards.
Indeed, with the Provincial meeting being called off, temporarily, our Provincial Grand Master was pleased to present honorifics to none Mark Masons invited along for that purpose, including Ms Rowen Daly, Mrs Lorrainne Kellett, and Mr Ray Cramer and Mr Mike Tombs (although the latter will be joining Altrincham Mark in October).
The Provincial Grand Master then proceeded to present letters of appreciation to the members of the recently completed Van Van challenge team, our final major Festival event- which had raised over £11,000.00 towards the festival.
With the meeting called back on, he completed the presentations of the collarettes and other honorifics to those present, and closed a well-attended additional Provincial Meeting at around 3.30pm
All in all a great day for both Rivacre Mark, who with a further joining member and two still to advance have increased their membership significantly, and the Province which, with some late donations alongside monies raised on the day, raised a further £1,396.00, which will be sent to Mark Masons Hall as quickly as possible so it may be included in the final Festival Total figure.