Cheshire Mark Christmas Toy Appeal

Its great to see that the Mark lead Cheshire Toy appeal, which also of course has the support from the Craft and Royal Arch, has inspired some great early donations, with various activities and donations having already been made, in support of our Local Children across the Province, who may have nothing on Christmas Day.

One of the very first to help was Connor Ross, the son of well-known Mason Mike Ross, who on hearing about the initiative, immediately decided to have a sponsored head shave, via just Giving, and raised over £1,000.00 to start the appeal.

In recognition of his selfless efforts, the Provincial Grand Master was pleased to send him a letter of commendation- which was gratefully received.

We have also seen donations from a number of lodges and individuals across the Province, including from the Stamford Mark Lodge, the Installed Commanders RAM Lodge, and also pictured below the members of Ashton and District lodge TI, meeting in Dukinfield, all of the members seen here donating suitable toys to the appeal.

We have also seen some great support from those big Hearted Bikers, the Cheshire Widows sons Motorcycle Association, with the Cheshire Chapter donating gifts and toys to the value of £350.00 across our 7 local appeal groups, who ensure that any donations go to help those children in the location of the Lodge, so our members are donating to and supporting directly their own local communities, and again we offer them our thanks on behalf of the local children for their support.

The initiative, whilst Mark lead is really about supporting our local children, who in these harsh times may have nothing this Christmas,  and we are sure that on their behalf we’d welcome any support that you may be inclined to provide, including a suitable new toy (please unwrapped as we need to know what it is to donate it appropriately, or a financial donation which would go towards buying suitable High Street gift vouchers, which for older Children, who can be hard to buy for, would be very welcome.

If you can support this initiative, and help our local children in need this Christmas, please speak to your Charity steward on how to do so, or follow the link on the images below, which feature on the business cards we are circulating around our Lodges.

Posted in Latest News.